You all must have noticed the growing importance of short messages and digital media in today’s world, be it in the workplace or one’s personal life.

If you have come across any problem while writing a memorandum in the workplace, then my blog is the ultimate solution for you.
A memo serves a twofold purpose of bringing attention to problems and solving them.The memorandum is a standard type of composed correspondence in scholastics, government, and industry. The memorandum is a formal technique for composed correspondence with an entrenched configuration and style. A memo enables us to tell our workers or clients about a particular circumstance.

(1)  MARGINS: One should always set upper and bottom margins to 2.5 to 3 cm.

(2)  HEADING: One should always write ‘MEMORANDUM’ as the heading on the top of the page.sss
(3)  LENGTH: The average length of a memo should be more than or equal to 3/4th of the page or less than a page. Otherwise, it will look too short or long and won’t be able to serve a purpose.
(4)  FORMAT: it should consist of a heading (i.e. MEMORANDUM), then on the left side date, to (i.e. the name of the receiver), from (i.e. the name of the sender), Cc (list of additional reviewer) and a subject should be written.
(5)  SUBJECT: It should be ideally about 5 words and should give a clear reflection of the purpose.
(6)  1st PARAGRAPH: It should consist of the introduction which means the purpose of writing the memo should be made clear in the first paragraph. It can be 8 lines long.
(7)  2nd PARAGRAPH: The whole body should be written in this paragraph. One can use bullets to highlight the main points.
(8)  3rd PARAGRAPH: The closing should be made impactful and one should always mention the due date and the contact information in the last paragraph.
